For good food and good company while we put the world to rights, meanwhile our car stays in the car park.
(Want to setup a new meet? Please contact the Events Coordinator or someone from the Events Team).
Was supposed to be in Peterborough that weekend but its looking like that probably won't be happening now, so I should be all good to come to this. Be good to get the RX-8 out as its not had too much attention the last month since I've now got a new daily to keep the miles off her 4,000 miles in 3 months hasn't been cheap
Update: Definitely wont be going to Peterborough now, so will be attending on Sunday for certain
Last edited by AutomotiveMasochist on Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I did a recce of the route on Friday and noted a potentially heavy traffic area, so I am tweaking the route slightly, going back to Adam's original proposal (which looks very good!), just losing a small section from the start of his original suggestion, due the new start point.
I thoroughly enjoyed the drive on a lovely sunny day!
I'll send out route details via PM later this week and print out a few copies to bring along on the day too.
Essex Rotary Full Bridgeport Seibon Carbon Fibre Bonnet, "Racing Brake" front calipers, Racing Beat (RB) ARB's F&R, RB REVI intake, full RB Stainless Steel Exhaust & Mani, 20mm Eibach spacers, KOYO Ali Rad, Lightened Fly, Tein MonoSport coilovers & strut brace, Axial short-shifter, BHR Coils & Engine Mounts, Greddy Sump
Federal 595RS-R or Continental Sport Contact 7
If you are planning to come along and want to eat at the Princess Charlotte (but are not listed below), please post up or contact me in the next 24 hours, or I can't guarantee I can book a place at the table as the pub is quite popular.
The next meet is very close to what would have been Ray Harrison's Birthday (15th Aug), so the this is something of a homage to Ray, a club founder and ex-club chairman, who started the Essex Meets and Essex Breakfast runs waaaaay back. For reference, we will be on some the the roads that Ray planned for a Breakfast meet back in 2009! See here viewtopic.php?f=242&t=27187 if you are interested in some club history.
This meet will start at the "Tiptree Heath nature reserve" car park, postcode CO5 0PT, on the B1022 (Maldon Road) just south-west of Maldon.
Aim to be there in good time to leave in convoy at 10.30am.
The route from there, which I will provide later to those who plan to come along, will take about an hour, including a short stop at Abberton Reservoir for some photos.
Huge thanks to Adam (AutomotiveMasochist) for planning this meet a couple of months back. I have followed his plan with just a slight adjustment to the starting point and early drive section.
1. Who is planning to come along
2. If you (+?) wish to stay to have a lunch at the Princess Charlotte. I have made a provisional table booking for noon and it is looking like they are very busy, so I need numbers for lunch ASAP.
Any questions? post up below and I'll do my best to answer.
I'm in:
Malcolm & Gwyn - inc lunch
Steve & Tina - inc lunch
Nigel - inc lunch
Ian - inc lunch
BinaryJava (Kieran) - inc lunch
AutomotiveMasochist (Adam) - inc lunch
Metelyk (Andy) - inc lunch
Simon - inc lunch
Essex Rotary Full Bridgeport Seibon Carbon Fibre Bonnet, "Racing Brake" front calipers, Racing Beat (RB) ARB's F&R, RB REVI intake, full RB Stainless Steel Exhaust & Mani, 20mm Eibach spacers, KOYO Ali Rad, Lightened Fly, Tein MonoSport coilovers & strut brace, Axial short-shifter, BHR Coils & Engine Mounts, Greddy Sump
Federal 595RS-R or Continental Sport Contact 7
See A12 roadworks notice below (many thanks Ian for bringing it to my attention - Gwyn spotted it too!). This has a very high probability of gridlocking the roads around the Princess Charlotte, as southbound travellers try to avoid queuing traffic on the A12. The ominous bit in the notice is, "Additional traffic signals will be in place at.....Stane Retail Park to help assist with traffic movement". The Princess Charlotte is adjacent to the Stane Retail Park, and right on the main "London Road" cars will take to avoid the A12 carnage!
So, no change to the route plan, apart from lopping off the last 4 miles. The new pub venue is now the family-run Hare & Hounds at Layer Breton, CO2 0PN They will have a Sunday Roast option, in addition to the published menu.
See you on on Sunday
A12 south.PNG (922.63 KiB) Viewed 334 times
These users thanked the author casey for the post:
Thanks for the great drive out and lunch today.
Good to catch up with you all: Nigel and Steve apologies we didn’t chat much today and I didn’t say goodbye - I had to dash off straight after lunch to go sort out a problem at one of my tenanted properties!!
Had to bail on my car at Canary Wharf though as it’s gridlocked around the Rotherhithe tunnel area. Jumped on a train for the last 1.5miles. Will pick up the car tomorrow. The joy of London roads!!
These users thanked the author Metelyk for the post (total 2):
SteveBishopRx8 (Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:26 pm) • casey (Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:43 pm)
Thanks to everyone who came along to the meet yesterday. Despite the last minute changes, due to expected traffic chaos caused by a weekend closure of a section of the A12, all seem to go smoothly. The drive was pleasant, on some nice roads passing and through some lovely little villages.
Being at the front of the convoy in my 40 year old 1st Gen RX-7 in the convoy drive was "interesting". At one point a huge 4x4 came round a blind bend in the middle of the road as I was approaching, causing me to brake hard and lock up the front wheels. It was close, testified by the huge scream from my passenger seat area! I think my recent work on the brake system paid off; refurbished calipers, new brake master cylinder, new braided lines, 50% of the hard lines changed, plus a full brake fluid flush! If that wasn't enough, later in the trip, a towed caravan decided to fishtail towards me on a narrow road. The driver (over) corrected, missed me, and the overcorrection almost took out Aston, who was behind me.
Near the end of the drive, we stopped for a quick photo/video break and natter on a crossing over the Abberton Reservoir:
The last minute pub change proved to be excellent.
Here we were, parked up just 5 minutes before the pub opened;
The burgers and Sunday roasts were superb! Goodness knows how so many (not me or Gwyn ) managed a dessert too. The staff in the pub were lovely, and very patient as we split the bill - they had great fun with that!
Aston had the (very thoughtful) idea to order a pot of tea at the start of the meal, which is exactly what Ray would have done. True to form, as happened many times with Ray, the tea didn't arrive an had to be chased. The tea was poured, but not touched, as a tribute to our absent friend.
There is a lot happening in September, car-wise, plus I'm on holiday for a week, so the next meet is likely to be in October. Watch this space.
These users thanked the author casey for the post (total 2):
Sounds and looked like a good meet, with the sun shining too. Sorry I couldn't make it, with it being relatively short notice I had already committed to visiting friends in Henley, I had left all other Sundays free... s☆ds law!
With planned and paid trips to Yakushi and Go Japan the following day in September, I agree with Malcolm that we should start looking and planning for the next meet in October.
These users thanked the author Red & Black for the post:
The next Essex meet will be on Sunday, 13 October, Full details to follow, outline here...
TIME: 10.15 meet for 10.30am start
START LOCATION: an easy to reach parking spot just of the A12 near Chelmsford (details will be provided to particpants)
There will be an approximately 1 hour convoy drive around some lovely Essex roads (sadly with potholes in places!) and scenery. The route largely follows one that ex-Chairman Ray Harrison (RIP) developed about 15 years ago.
FINISH: ~11.30am at Heybridge Basin (CM9 4RS) LUNCH: Noon at the "Jolly Sailor" pub, Heybridge Basin:
We will time our arrival to be just as the pub opens, which means there ought to be ample parking space in the pub car park. NOTE: the pub has ANPR cameras, so you must register your car in the pub and not stay longer than 3 hours.
There is a reasonably priced public car park within a short distance, should anyone wish to stay longer - there are some nice walks in the area, if the weather is nice
Put the date in your diary now and post up in here if you want to tag along AND/OR join the lunch party.
Any questions? - Just post up in this topic.
I'm in!
Casey + Gwyn - drive and lunch
Steve + Tina - drive and lunch
Derek + Debbie - drive and lunch
Ian + ? - drive and lunch
Simon - drive and lunch
Aston + Crissi - drive and lunch
These users thanked the author casey for the post: