We've once again got an excellent deal at the British Motor Museum to host our Annual General Meeting on Sunday 19th May.
This is your opportunity to interact with the club running and cast membership votes on critical items. We need the majority votes on how the membership feel about vital policy or future protocol.
We would be very grateful if all members give this real consideration to spare just a few hours of your time to spend with us, while also enjoying a day out effectively free of charge. Obviously, partners/family do not need to be present for the AGM side and will be free to enjoy the venue all day.
Entry, breakfast rolls, lunch and daily tea/coffee all supplied for Members.
I hope to see many of you there.
Venue details etc.....
Venue Opens : 10am (Members collect sticker from Willberry on arrival)
Tea & Coffee : 10:15am to 10:45am
AGM Starts : 10:45am
Lunch : 12:30pm to 13:30pm
AGM Continues : 13:30pm
AGM Finishes by 15:00pm
Only Paid up Members and Partner Members allowed within the actual AGM

Any other people with you can join the meeting room from 12:30pm to 13:30pm for Lunch

British Motor Museum
Banbury Road
CV35 0BJ
- Chairman - DrewR3
- Club Secretary - Cscameron
- Treasurer - Ollie
- Events Coordinator - willberry
- CIC - Dr.FrankenRex
- Shopkeeper - IanM
- Membership Secretary -Harsc
- Chris Holmes
- Reloy +1
- SeanP
- Drk597
- PaulAV
- RichTDerby
- brix79
- magsrx8
- Mitz96
- Thatturborx8 +2
- auditt - Dairy and Gluten intolerant
- Lebz
- R3d
- Metelyk