For example here is a Tiguan we had done this week:
The car has had a side damage while parked a few weeks ago when it was snowing.
Unfortunately the person that crashed into the car has drove off so our customer has chosen to pay for the repairs instead of claiming thru his insurance which has sky rocketed the last few years anyway.
The biggest problem was not the doors but the outer skin of the kick panel was badly damaged.Unfortunately this could have not be straightened or filled so we had to replace the panel to make the doors close nicely.
We have found a VW breaker which allowed us to cut the needed panel from his car and buy doors and wing in the same colour.
Our technicians have cut the panel in places,took the welding spots out and removed the damaged one,then after test fitted the good one for about 126 times it was finally welded in place and doors fitted for test making sure everything fits nice and smooth.
Finally sealant has been applied in all factory joints and now the interior kick plate will be primed and painted then all the interior,doors and panels refitted and painted from outside,wash,quick buff and ready to go.
Mechanically the vehicle also needed a shock absorber,and a wishbone plus the wheel painting but we have bought a suspension leg from the same breaker to keep the costs as low as possibble for the customer
The cost of this job was £2800 including all parts and labour and all though not an RX8 i have posted this here just for you guys to know that we can cater for everything from a bumper corner to a full respray.
Have a fantastic day and thanks for watching