Better late than never

I’d like to thank everyone for a very pleasant weekend

The timings were a bit frantic at times and I never planed to do Beaulieu as I considered that a bridge too far for us.
Turning up when asked to and doing everything required to be ready for Mercedes first ever track session left us little time for socialising but we grabbed one bacon buttie.
Mercedes loved her track time and it’s always a thrill sending someone into a corner at 110 wondering if their going to brake and turn when you ask them to

I may do a post on ( how to make a racing driver in 10 minutes )
We did a video but can’t play it because of the screaming ( from me )
We left early to enjoy the hotel facilities which were marvellous ( great pool etc ) ( Harry we haven’t forgotten steam room and ice )
The meal being an hour late with gin consumed wasn’t good. The air con unit dripping into our drinks and food was even worse
We didn’t win the roll bars

( I’ll have to continue grabbing the roof )
We did win a lovely print and an amazing little ratchet spanner
And we are officially the grubbiest car in the club ( I won’t bother with the car wash next time and get Mercedes to bump start it off the stand )

great trophy and the Doritos were nice
Really glad we didn’t do anything Sunday, only just managed breakfast
Thanks again to everyone in the club