EDIT (Casey, Events Team): Conan (Pete) kindly started this topic as soon as the date for JDM Combe was released. Pete is local to the circuit and knows the people there on a personal level, so the Events Team will be working together with Pete to organise another legendary outing for members. I hope we can rely on the usual great support for this event from club members. The circuit is independently run, has been very good to our club for many years and deserves our support to keep running.
PLEASE POST UP IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CAR ON THE CLUB STAND, HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL IN YOUR PARTY AND WHETHER YOU PLAN TO TAKE YOUR CAR ON TRACK. We will organise at least one "club exclusive" track session, if there is suficient demand.
Not been to this event before, then you are missing a great show. This short official video from 2022 event gives you some idea of what to expect,
JDM Combe webpage
Castle Combe Circuit
Castle Combe Ltd
Wiltshire SN14 7EY
- Show off your car inside the circuit’s grounds and be a part of the show!
- Club Passes allow the car, driver and up to 1 passenger into the show at no extra cost - TBC, as Club Tickets not yet finalised by Combe.
- Entitlement to take your car out on track in any of the 15 minute public track sessions.
YOU WIILL NEED THE CLUB BOOKING CODE. This will be PM'd out to those on the list.
Tickets can be purchased here: https://castlecombecircuit.co.uk/shop/j ... ay-passes/
Tickets cost £20 and permit one car, driver and up to three adults in the car. Those under 16 are admitted free with an accompanying adult.
STOP PRESS 16 Jan 2025:
We have just received the following email from Combe:
Dear club admin,
We are excited to announce a discount code for £5 off club display passes for JDMCombe Action Day 2025.
This exclusive code has been sent to club admins from clubs that participated in last season's event.
Please note that this is a limited-time offer and will expire three months before the booking deadline on Sunday, 3rd February 2025.
The code is ‘JDMC24’ and is to be entered at the cart checkout page.
Ensure you select "RX-8 Owners Club" from the pull-down "CLUB DETAILS" list and enter the club code, which will be PM'd to you.
Once you complete the online booking form, go to the basket to pay. (There is NO EXTRA BOOKING FEE, unlike in previous years).
Once paid you will receive 2 emails. The first will be your order receipt, the 2nd will have an attachment - this your ADMISSION E-TICKET for the event for you to print out and take with you.
The E-TICKET will also state:
"Closer to the event, you will receive your club display pass as an E-HANGER for you to PRINT OFF and DISPLAY before attending the circuit.
Without the e-hanger, you will not be admitted to the display area (this e-ticket is insufficient). If you don’t bring the hanger, you must park in the public car parking.
You will be emailed the e-hanger after we close sales and allocate the display stand site numbers. This means you will receive the pass before the event. The e-hanger include your display stands’ site number, the colour of your entry gate and directions to said gate."
From ~7:30am we'll be providing to members free bacon rolls, plus throughout the day cakes, tea, coffee, cold drinks and snacks. Most cakes & scones are provided by fellow members.
Non-members will be asked for a donation of £5 to the club to partake of club stand refreshments.
Public track sessions (15-minute duration) are available to buy from Castle Combe; we recommend buying in advance as they usually sell out. Passenger passes can be purchased on the day.
We also have a Club exclusive session at 10:45, spaces are available to buy 'first-come-first-served' from the Club shop: https://shop.rx8oc.co.uk/product/exclus ... combe-2025
£35 for non-members / guests
£30 for Club members (send someone from the events team a PM for the discount code)
If you have not driven a session at JDM Combe before, this "driver's view" video will give you some idea of what it is like. It's great fun, and I would recommend anyone who has not driven their RX-8 on track before to book a "club exclusive" session just for the experience. A full briefing on how to drive on track will be given to all participants on the day (nothing complicated!). It may be possible to arrange for an experienced track driver to sit in as a passenger, if requested. A helmet is required, but these can be hired on the day for a nominal fee - sometimes members also have spare helmets they can loan FOC.
Click on the "gearwheel", bottom right of video, and select "Quality - HD" for the best view.
- Cscameron (Christine)(Eibhlin)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Ian.M (Ian)(Nissan or Mazda) - Stand (PAID) - Track
- casey (Malcolm)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Reloy (Leroy)(Rachel)(RX-8 Rhino) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- nightfire10 (Steve)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- qwakers (James)(RX-8 with Lorry) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Ninja_Freak ()(Rx-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Neil Parry (Neil)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Conan (Pete)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- LWatson-Jones()(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- A Watson-Jones(Austin)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Stokesyjnr (Neil)(+?)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Richnzj (Rich)(RX-7 FB) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- AshtonCox58 (Ashton)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- BinaryJava (Kieran)(Abi)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Seanp (Sean)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- JoshC (Josh)(+1)(RX-8 R3) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Studle (Stuart)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Mpv2K3 (Marc)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- JoshC parents (2)(GT86) - Stand (PAID)
- Magsrx8 (Adam)(+2 or 3)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- Ollie (Ollie)(Rx-8) - Stand - Stand (PAID)
- Fab66 ()(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- Red & Black (Derek)(+Debbie, TBC)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- Dove66 ()(+2)(RX-8 - Stand (PAID)
- Mercedesj (Mercedes)(RX-8 PZ) - Stand (PAID)
- Ruddy(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- R3d (Ben)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- Matsuda (Ryan)(+1)(RX-8)Kuro - Stand (PAID)
- Racing Beat Europe (Clive)(Lisa)(RX-8) - Stand (PAID)
- Luke + Aurora (Conan's S-in-L) Subaru Impreza ( Tommy Kaira ) - Stand (PAID) - Track
- Sellison plus 2 ()(RX-8) - Stand (PAID) - Track
- R8TRT(RX-8) - Stand
- SteveBishopRx8 (Steve)(Tina)(RX-8) - Stand - Track
- dw_arnie()(RX-8) - Stand - Track
- DKWW2000 (Pete)(FC or FB)(RX7fb.com) - Stand (PAID)
- DaveCollins (Dave)(Sally)(RX-7 FB)(MRC) - Stand (PAID)
- John Wyatt (John)(Maria)(RX-7 FB)(MRC) - Stand (PAID)
- gt_james (James)(RX-7 FB)(RX7fb.com) - Stand (PAID) - Track (PAID)
- Hobbawobba (Jesse)(MX-5)(RX7fb.com) - Stand (PAID)
- markp (Mark)(+1)(RX-7 FB) - Stand (PAID)
- Joe Pearce (MX-5)
So, please post up your interest including how many you intend to bring with you, and we will add your name(s) to the list. If you have any questions, just post in this thread and we will do our best to help