What a day! Disappointment for some, but glorious for others.
Firtsly, the sad bit. I feel for Steve Bishop and Alan, who both had issues with their cars at the outset of the day and were unable to capitalise one of the best December days on track at Brands for a long time. Thankfully, both were able to dive home. Alan, sadly, with serious oil burps, confirming he needs a new engine. Steve, with the admiral assistance of Aston and Ryan Osborne at Essex Rotary, seems to have got his issue sorted (MAF and MAF screen issue), but too late to partake on track. Again, many thanks to Nick Dougill for agreeing to a 50% credit refund to Steve. Given that Nick only sold 53 of the 60 places and lost serious money at Croft earlier this year, a fair offer.
Next, thank you to everyone, regulars and newcomers alike, who continue to support this “traditional” event in the club calendar. One that I have attended every single time, in the same car, since Nick D started it in 2008. There was such a friendly vibe at this event throughout the day and at the apres-track meal, which saw an attendance of 16 of our group. I thought the food and the service was 1st class – our waitress remaining polite and cheerful throughout the lengthy split payments ordeal!
Special thanks to Stuart attending socially and for bringing his coffee pod machine (luxury!) and some food supplies. It was great to see Brian (“Shaggy”) join us socially too. Great to see Aston and Ryan take the time out of their bust workload to join us in the paddock in the afternoon and join us for the meal afterwards.
Extra special thanks to Ian.M for bringing a load of refreshment supplies and, made with his own hands, this superb rotor theme cake, recognising our sadly departed Ray Harrison, who, in large part, persuaded me to take my RX-8 on its very first track day (at Brands too) in May 2007, and who unfailingly supported this event from 2008 with me, until he was no longer able. I can attest this fruit cake was truly delicious and, having enjoyed a small piece to start with, couldn’t resist and went back for a 2nd piece later

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Now onto the track day bit. It’s been a long time since I have arrived at this event to find the entry roads and most of the track bone dry. I arrived just before dawn, so it was a delight to be greeted soon afterwards with clear blue skies and lovely sunshine, which stayed with us until well into the later part of the day. Cool temperatures, a dry racing line and limited numbers meant plenty of track time could be enjoyed without any concern over engine temperatures, just management of brakes and tyres (plus oil & fuel of course

). Track etiquette was amongst the best I have experienced. Amazingly, we only had 2 (short duration) Red Flag incidents, both identical, resulting in cars (an MX-5 and then RX-8) in the gravel at the bottom of Paddock Hill. No damage to the cars, just stuck, needing recovery. The RX-8 was a surprise to see - driven but Michael, who was not part of our group, but spotted on social media that we were to be there and decided last minute to book the day. I spoke to him in the paddock, prior to his “excursion”, and tried to encourage him to join us on the forum!
As usual, I have my in-car camera running, but have yet to review the compile some edits, which I will post up on here later. I had a real blast on track. My new Tein Mono Sport coilovers (replacing my 14+ year old Tein Mono Flex units, mainly due to spring breakage, plus age) were a revelation, giving my car a sharper turn-in and a much more planted feel. As a result, even with passenger ballast on board, I clocked a new PB lap of 57.86 seconds (RaceChrono – no live timing visible I stress, only post session reviews!).
Ray H was much missed, but I hope he was watching from somewhere with a smile.
An excellent day overall, and I can’t wait to book for next year
Look at that that light and shadows!
Ian cutting the cake

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The apres-track meal at a local Beefeater (apologies, Pete and Mercedes missing from this photo as they joined us later).
Marc took the photo and didn't want to be left out, so took this selfie